Intro of AnSMS Commands

The mobile APP 'AnSMS' for Android and iOS
This APP will simplify the task of sending SMS commands to your tracker, this includes setup and configuration with one SMS command. 
1. At HOME page add new tracker --> touch (add car) icon this will open TRACKER page.
Fill out tracker's name (minimum two letters), tracker's mobile number (sample:0400111222), persons name (minimum two letters) and how receives SMS alerts with mobile number (sample:0400333444).
You can change alert function below as needed. --> touch (Update) icon.
You return to Home page where you will see your new add tracker with a red warning to (press here to update) --> it will commence phones SMS function, after you send SMS you always need to wait for your trackers reply SMS to confirm new value are set. Only then your tracker will send to your mobile phone SMS alerts. In case of no reply check Settings again and  credit of mobile sim card. Otherwise contact your installer.  Note: Tracker has to be loaded with Antitheft Car Alarms firmware.
Not all functions will work with your vehicle like: Immobilise and Unlock these are optional please contact your installer. AnSMS is a user friendly application therefore not all commands and setup are exploited of capability VT4 series tracker device.
Note: Any time you changed Settings you have to update with an SMS command and wait for reply SMS only then your new changes are implemented into Tracker.

Home page 

Position Request

If pressed onto "GPS Request" you will receive last position of your vehicle in an SMS with a Google link, if touched this link will open up google map with vehicles position.

Unlock vehicle

If pressed onto "Unlock" this will unlock your vehicle after you receive an SMS reply confirmation. General re-locking is automatically functioned by vehicle or alarm system if doors not opened within 1-2 minutes.
( This is an optional function and has to be wired up, please communicate with your installer of function and security risks )

Engine immobilise

If you see "Immobilise" meaning the car will not start.

If you see "GO" meaning the car will start and drive.

Note: This is only true if you send SMS before and received reply by SMS of tracker.
APP is automatic toggling between stages. Meaning APP can't show you stage of tracker it is your responsibility to synchronise the APP and wait for reply SMS. Unfortunately APP's are not allowed to read SMS therefore is unable to show correct stage of tracker. ( This is an optional function and has to be wired up, please communicate with your installer of function,safety and security risks )

Tracker page "Configure"

Car alarm alert

In case car alarm system is triggered you will receive an SMS. The best solution is to setup personalised loud and long ring tone on your mobile phone contacts for tracker only, including always ring even at silence mode. ( This is an optional function and has to be wired up. )

Movement Zone

If vehicle is parked and ignition is OFF and car gets moved outside the set Zone circle you will receive an SMS alert. Note: due to the satellites pick up signal this can jump hundreds or more meters especially if the vehicle is parked under cover and only a few satellites are in signal range.


If power supply to tracker is interrupted you will receive an SMS alert.


If tracker is sensing high impact forces and if reached you will receive an SMS alert.

Car Battery 

If the car battery has dropped below voltage level you will receive an SMS alert.
You can set voltage level at SETTINGS in mV sample 12000 is 12 Volts.
To check car voltage any time send an SMS command (space) (space) battery

Backup Battery 

If backup battery of tracker has dropped under 30% you will receive an SMS alert. Backup battery gets charged automatically.


If the car drives over the maximum set speed you can set in SETTINGS  your maximum speed level in Km/h and if passed you will receive an alert SMS.

Trigger sensor

This can be utilized with a 24/7 hour alarm alert. Like a mounted accessory or even a trailer. (please refer with your installer).


The towing alert is activated after ignition is turned OFF for 15 minutes.
The tracker will monitor movement and tilted position of more than 5 degrees, if this occurs you have 60 seconds to stop the alert to turn ON ignition.
This function shouldn't be activated if your entering the vehicle when switching the ignition 'ON' within 1 minute.

UPGRADE  to AnTRAK for professional self monitoring  and high end car protection.


Is a low cost 24/7 self monitoring for $176 incl GST a year.

AnTRAK is linked with Wialon a multifunctional fleet management system also used for mobile and stationary tracking.

Webpage tracking software and
user friendly mobile phone APP for Android and Apple iOS.